I'm in the midst of a love-hate relationship with all of humanity

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Character Creation!

I have two tabletop campaigns to start crafting characters for, now that Shadowrun has reached what seems like a slightly-past-mid-point. One for a Final Fantasy X campaign (which the beau is playing through so I understand the world and general plot), and one for a high-fantasy epic level campaign.

The FFX one... is daunting. My original character concept was one I crafted because I knew absolutely nothing about the universe and I could get away with asking dumb questions about obvious subjects. Now I do know things, so crafting a character should be simpler. But what direction do I want to go with her? And what race? I will wait until the game is over to figure out that.

My Epic Level character is the exact opposite. I know her extremely well. She is a much older version of my very first D&D character, a flighty bard who collected stories with the dreams of running her own library one day. Well, this character is about forty years after that first trip out and taking one last adventure before she becomes unable to perform such a feat. I will actually be writing her backstory here most likely over the next few days so the DM can have it all in one place.

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