I'm in the midst of a love-hate relationship with all of humanity

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

At-Work Creative Writing Part II

Utilizing WriteWorld is a great thing that I should really do more often. They usually have some interesting prompts and all kinds of things like that. This one actually reminded me of a dream I had a few nights ago that I had.

Writer’s Block
A picture says a thousand words. Write them.
Mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a critique about this picture. Write something about this picture.
Be sure to tag writeworld in your block!

That morning, Catherine woke up in the woods.Wearing an outfit she didn't go to sleep in. After picking the leaves and twigs out of her long blonde hair, she sat up. "Not again..." she groaned.

Mind you, this had only happened two times before. At least this time she didn't wake up near something dead and weird-smelling. She was almost late for school last month because she spent so long in the shower getting rid of the stench.

There was no way she was going to tell anyone about her blackouts. She had a social status to maintain, and this kind of news would ruin everything. Like Rome, a close circle of friends and andmirers was not built in a day. Fortunately, she had her bag on her this time, along with her phone, compact, and a small piece of paper. "I don't remember any pieces of paper in here..." Catherine muttered as she pulled it out and unfolded it.

All that was on it was one word, scrawled in a thick black marker.


Catherine frowned and folded up the paper. "Who's sorry? And for what?" She shrugged and looked at the forest around her. Fortunately, it was a familiar part of the forest in her backyard, so she knew how to get back home this time. And if she made it home in fifteen minutes, nobody would know that she had even been gone.

Just the way she preferred it.

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