I'm in the midst of a love-hate relationship with all of humanity

Friday, October 18, 2013

Let us get back to using this thing, shall we?

I have decided to use my almost dead blog to chronicle my NaNoWriMo process come next month. I already have a few of the kids at work acting as my cheerleaders for the process, so let us see how it works. I have my chromebook all ready for transportable typing, as Drive is an offline app (yaay!) and my work has no wi-fi. Or at least, none that I know of.

I am going to write during my hour long breaks at work with an attempt to clock in about 700-800 words per break, and then the rest of my word count at home. That way I can get done more in a faster time, and honestly, 700 words isn't that much. And for any quotas I have not hit, I have Saturdays. I will do a weekly log of how much I write and what progress has been made. The days leading up to november will be all planning, which I will do here, also during my hour long breaks. I have a plan, and I shall stick to it!

My goal for November: actually finish a novel for NaNoWriMo.

Wish me luck.

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