I'm in the midst of a love-hate relationship with all of humanity
Friday, October 18, 2013
Let us get back to using this thing, shall we?
I am going to write during my hour long breaks at work with an attempt to clock in about 700-800 words per break, and then the rest of my word count at home. That way I can get done more in a faster time, and honestly, 700 words isn't that much. And for any quotas I have not hit, I have Saturdays. I will do a weekly log of how much I write and what progress has been made. The days leading up to november will be all planning, which I will do here, also during my hour long breaks. I have a plan, and I shall stick to it!
My goal for November: actually finish a novel for NaNoWriMo.
Wish me luck.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Creative Writing Wednesday: A Picture Says a Thousand Words
He was focused.
His eyes were entirely on the events unfolding in front of him. The old woman feeding the birds next to the bench near the trashcan, the two men playing chess at the table across from him, he watched it all. He watched because he knew that something was going to happen soon.
He wasn't sure what, but he knew that it was going to be different from every other day he sat here. A slight smirk danced across his face. Yep, today was going to be different. But how? So far, it was all the same people doing the same thing on the same dirt park path. He adjusted his over-shirt and leaned back on the bench. Maybe he just had to think less about it.
Down the street came the shave ice guy with his large block of ice safely contained in a cooler, the syrup bottles clattering together with an almost melodic sound as they sat in the cart. He walked up, a few coins in his pocket. "Hey Marcus."
The shave ice man looked up at him. "Howard! How've you been?" Marcus opened his hand to Howard, who was already putting the change into it. "Getting your usual?"
"First off, I'm doing alright, and secondly not today. I'll take a green apple instead. I'm sensing something's going to happen today." Howard smiled.
Marcus grinned. "Oh, really? I'll keep my eye out for anything different." He handed Howard the paper cone of bright green shave ice and continued on his way. Marcus knew that his regular customer always had a feeling that something was going to happen. Sometimes he was right, sometimes he wasn't. He seemed pretty confident about today, though. Today was a day to keep an eye on everything.
Howard sat down with his shave ice back on the bench and looked around. So far, nothing different happened. He took a taste of his shave ice and smiled.
He made a mental note to get green apple more often.
But so far, nothing different has happened.
The day went on, and he continued watching.
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Character Creation is coming along nicely
We now have our complete roster for Superhero U. Plus we know who is rooming with who. We have the mad scientist and the Avatar in one, a time traveling southern Belle and a kung fu master in another, and our Dorian Grey roomed with a kinetic energy master. All of the other guys get their own rooms.
And for teachers we have all sorts of fictional characters to work with, including doctor Doom, Sherlock Holmes, The Flash, and many more!
I cannot wait to start!
Friday, January 18, 2013
On a perfect spring morning with flat seas and clear blue skies,
Captain Eli P. Cooke made a terrible mistake.
I'm considering doing this. It's due on the first of February so I have time to work on it. And if it's any good I may submit it to the contest.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Musings of the Morning
Only two classes this semester, but I'm totally fine with that. I'm most likely going to change from my major to a certification program so I can get a job faster. Plus, most of the classes I need for the program are ones needed for the major because of the similarities between the two. I mean, it's jumping from Early Childhood Education to Daycare. How different can they be?
Hopefully when school starts up I'll have more worthwhile things to post. I'm really only posting this so that I habitually post every day. I actually want to keep this one up.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Creative Writing Wednesday: The First
Anyways, here's my first piece for Wednesday- a piece I wrote some time last year because I needed a good setting description of a regular area I use.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hyped for the new campaign
Coming Sunday is week 2 of 2 of character creation for our next campaign. I am looking really really forward to this, honestly. We're going to be working with the new system which will be a combination of GURPS and traditional Pathfinder in a school style setting.
The difference between the school and a normal school though is that it is super hero based and will have classes for those that are either heroically or villainously minded.
So far we have a kung fu master, a cybernetic boy genius, a guy who turns into light, a time traveler, A Dorian Grey-esque swordsman, a matter manipulator with split personalities, a kinetic energy manipulator, and the Avatar.
I am looking so forward to this. Everyone will be updated as to what is going on.
Now, allow me to introduce myself. I am Laura, also known as Keyla, also known as Momma Shakespeare. I am a part-time community college student studying to work in the daycare business. I have a small family consisting of a dad, a younger brother, and a parrot that wants to murder me. I can also include my lovely boyfriend as part of my family, as he practically lives at my house.
I enjoy reading, writing, making jewelry, tabletop roleplaying, playing music (voice, pennywhistle, ukulele, percussion), and occasionally doodling. My interests include fantasy, sci-fi, the metaphysical, and other not-so-real things.
What am I doing with this blog? I'm not too sure quite yet. We'll just see where this takes us, okay?